10 June 2011

Shove It Down My Throat

Its so annoying when people advertise their beliefs on their cars. And they get all offended when it gets vandalized. Well heres what I have to say to that: You deserve it! If you have the nerve to flamboyantly flag your beliefs around on your car, then someone is allowed to be just as flamboyant and vandalize it. I find it so annoying. Its like... Its funny how you think that my opinion can and will change just because your little bumper sticker tells me what to believe. Yuck. You people, just.... go away! Regarding the picture, Im NOT pro life. Don't ask why. Don't diss. Just let it be. K? K This picture really makes me laugh. Because I'm a Catholic. And I'm not pro choice. Its just another Catholic acting like a know-it-all and in-your-face like they tend to be. hm.

31 May 2011

Wise Little Caterpillar

Google Search: Alice In Wonderland Who Are You. I wanted more emphasis on
the "Who Are You" but hey, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit.

Alice In Wonderland directed by Tim Burton is one of my favorite films. Here's a quote:

 "I said you were not hardly alice," he corrected her. "But you're much more her now. In fact, you're Almost Alice" -Caterpillar

I love the way that he judges character! It just proves how wise he is. If only more people could think as he does. Instead of identifying Alice by her name or what she looks like, he identifies her through her personality traits. Instead of thinking *hmm blue eyes, blonde hair, fair skin, blue dress. Must be Alice Kingsley as before* NO! he thinks *hmm non courageous girl, doubtful, not very child-like, must not be the wonderous, adventurous and brave girl i knew before. Therefore, it isnt Alice.* How brilliant of Lewis Carol for thinking like that. I intend to read Through The Looking Glass eventually. Its on my list of things to do before I die! Maybe after I have a family and have nothing to do. Because its the beginning of summer. I have to be out and about! I'm half way done with high school!

29 May 2011

Children Are Not Disposable

This post is for the kids whose parents don't treat them like they should.

Inspiration: I get home from the movies with some guys. I'm in a good mood. I go  "Hi Mom! What are you watching?!" She says, "What does it look like? A movie. Go away."

Um RUDE??! So if you are the child in situation, I feel your pain. I don't get why children are interacted with only when needed and otherwise disregarded.

If you're the parent in this situation or any parent reading this, I advise you to go out and tell your kid that you care. Or just hug your kid and ask how theyre day was and offer to watch TV together. Because sometimes kids don't want to be furniture. Its degrading. Sometimes people really need to think about how they're acting to a child. For instance, when i was about 8 I went on a cruise and this guy told me he was vegetarian. So he gets all up in my face and talks in this baby voice and VERY SLOWLY goes "Im a veg-i-tar-ian. That means i dont eat meat because it makes my heart all sick!" In my head I just thought "what the heck man, go away." Or the worst: snotty old people who think its necessary to be nasty to teens. Message of the day: Think about how you interact with those younger than you. Because most might be brighter than you are anyways.

23 May 2011

Internal Conflict

Google Search: Cat Fight
Self: I so don't want to study. The final is supposed to be ridiculously easy...
Me: Come on Chelsey.... You have an 89%. You need to do well to get an A.
Self: Maybe there will be cheap cars on Craigslist
Self: *DISTRACTION ALERT* hmm I think ill look up the free stuff to see what funny junk people posted
Me: Focus!
Self: Oh, right, focusing. Hm I have to focus on what I was originally on Craigslist for... Oh ya! Cars! 
         SEARCH: Infiniti ...... um was it Infiniti M35 sedans that i liked?
Self: Ill look it up.... *spends too much time googling the pretty pictures of the flashy looking Infiniti M35s*
Me: Hey stop spending time looking at the 2011's, you know you can't afford those.
Self: Right, back to Craigslist! *starts getting annoyed at how the first few posts don't have a price listing*
Me: White? You hate white cars... but hey that one isnt so bad. Red? Heyyy never thought of that before, not bad!
Self: *gasp* that one's soooo pretty! and only $11K! wait is 90,000 miles a lot for a used car?
Me: MOOOOOM is 90K too much?
Dad: Not unless you wanna take it for maintenance all the time. Just get a new car
Me: Ya cuz I can totally afford that...
Self: Get back to studying! Stop looking for pretty cars!! 

10 May 2011

Betcha Cant Do This!

I used to be the shyest girl you will ever meet. I have no idea what happened but starting Sophomore year, that all changed. Think about how you want to be remembered when you die. Do you know? For me, I want to be remembered as someone that branched out and was nice to everyone and that was interested in people for at least a little while. So on the bus, everytime I sit with a new person, I make conversations with them even if I don't know them. This one particular time really touched me.

Last Tuesday, I sat with this guy named Devon. I had a class with him 2 years ago so I knew him but its not like I knew him. I see him on the bus all the time staring out the window, listening to his ipod, and not talking to ANYONE. So, I had to sit with him on the bus and I casually said "so don't you ride bikes with Derek?" Thinking I would get a simple little response, he tells me all about his adventures mountain biking, how his mom cant have gluten, his possible career choices, restaurants he's been to, his of bread and salsa, and stuff we have in common. No, he was not rambling, it was a normal, wonderful conversation. Now he's invited me to a party. I never would have thought that this guy would be so cool. Its amazing how quiet people can have a such a great conversation. 

CHALLENGE: I challenge you to go out and talk to a random stranger or someone that you dont normally talk to. Weather it be a "hi! how are you? Great, bye!" or something more in depth like a "so I hear you like ____, would I like it?" Think of how many friends you can meet. Think of how many days you can make.

05 May 2011

AP Death

So the AP American History test is tomorrow. I'm scared to death. I learn by doing, so talking it out and writing it down myself helps a lot. Tactile Learners Unite! But no one wants to hear an hour long rant about American History!! I'm torn between thinking "okay whatever you havent learned yet, you arent going to learn in one night so just give up and rest." But on the other hand, I'm thinking "get off your lazy ass, you've only studied the war of  1812!" I know my early stuff very well. But thats like hardly on the test! I know my stuff. But then I take practice tests.

Example: "blah blah Mayflower Compact?" Me: *hm okay thats the first idea of a self government by the pilgrims!* Answer choices: a) b) c) d) ... all not relating to my little definition! ugh im screwed.

Here comes my inner over achiever. Imagine how awful itll be going to college and signing up for american history cuz you werent good enough to pass it in high school. Cost of tuition minus $90. Oh dear....

04 May 2011

What Have We Come To?

Google Search: Ignorant American


Lets talk Osama bin Laden. That seems to be a hot topic these days. I honestly dont get how "Osama bin Laden is dead." can turn into a 2-day-straight news story. Poor reporters... Their bosses making them discuss pointless things because there probably isnt any other news. It makes them look bad when they say... and i quote... "Osama bin Laded died. I think this is a good thing." I mean, dur. But its not like they have anything more newsy to say. 

Isnt it sad how SO many people don't believe that he's really dead? Have we had just SO much government corruption that we can't belive our government when our president comes on national television? We don't believe our elected officials SO much that we demand pictures of a dead man? Think about it. What kind of person wants to see a man with a bullet wound in his face? It's sick. You wouldn't do that with anyone else! How can the government redeem themselves into gaining the trust of Americans back? This would make an excellent Socratic Seminar! We're doing those in English nowadays. 

03 May 2011


So some pretty stressful things are going on. They haven't happened yet but pretty soon, I'll have a lot on my plate. Wow, without context an assumer could assume I was pregnant from hearing that! P.s: Not Pregnant. I am currently watching 16 and Pregnant though! Crazy stuff... A girl agreed to get married during her 1st week of sophomore year and then that same guy left her on the side of the road and kidnapped her child. Crazy. Off Topic.

  • The AP US American History Test
  • Write and submit a writing sample to apply for Newspaper
  • Horse Show
  • Finals
  • Socratic Seminar in English and a History project due soon
  • My final Intro to Media Production film. (So far, they've all been 30 seconds to a minute. this one is 5. eek!)
  • Apply to the Outback Steakhouse hostess position
  • Apply to be a Girl Scout camp councelor
  • Get my AIMS results back and hopefully be a National Merit Scholar
  • Be a better girlfriend
  • Planning my birthday party
Ah, so much is up in the air. I hope I can conquer it all. Its as if standing on even ground and seeing a big dust storm coming your way in the distance. So hopefully I can ride it out. I know I'm going to struggle a little bit but I have a good feeling that it'll be okay! We'll seeee :)

01 May 2011

My Life Is Cinderella

Yesterday, I went to prom with a great guy. Although I use the word "great" loosely because deep down, all guys are asses. It went absolutely perfectly. He bought me flowers, I danced okay (im not a good dancer), and i met so many nice people. 

But of course, that was all just a fairytale. The second I get home, I'm told of how much trouble i'm in for being a few minutes late. All throughout the next day, I'm given all these chores. At dinner, my dad tells the table of the Pope/wannabe saint's miracles of healing a person with Parkinsons. I disagree and said that I dont believe in it. My dad says that I cant disagree because im Catholic (officially, not in spirit). I told him that it doesnt matter that I'm Catholic because it doesnt mean I have to agree. I was also invited to play tennis. I declines, as I'm kind of  tired due to FREAKING PROM yesterday. So my mom storms into my room yelling at me about my "attitude" and just gives me more chores. Chores that ill probably be yelled at for not doing a good enough job later. Yep, thats right, I'm not allowed to disagree in this house hold. I'm also not allowed to be in a bad mood or else i'll be punished for "having an attitude." I really hate humans that will give you a hard time if youre sick or in a bad mood. Sorry for not being a cheerful little daffodil 24/7. What a complete 180 turn from my Prince to my wicked (step) parents.

Sincerely, Cinderella

Child Justice

"You guys are children. You have no rights." "What about the freedom of speech?" "Well, of course you have that but not the other ones" ~A conversation about human rights between student and teacher.

Twice in this year, i've been told that I have no rights. They are called "Human Rights" not Adult Rights. They are intended for everyone. Regarding that conversation, why are my rights being picked and chosen to which apply to me as a young person? That's not fair. Did you know that out of all of the many kinds of activists in the world, there are no Child Activists. Yet. Do "they" think that just because I'm young, I shouldn't be protected with rights that are promised to all people?

Definition of Human Rights: Human rights are those rights which are held by all human beings. The concept of human rights is a universalist product of the Enlightenment in Europe and the United States, and has since spread around the world.

"all human beings" We young people are not aliens. We are humans all the same. Im tired of older people treating children like we are ignorant. I'm tired of being taught how protected I am by rights and laws and officials only to find out that once again, children don't count. Once again, children are not justified. 

Check out the movie Newsies. It's about children that have been given up on. Children who, like most children, are viewed by the government as an unimportant piece of dust. These children unite and strike against their leaders and succeed. Based on a true story. Why can't people stand up for children like they did in the '20s?

25 April 2011

AHHH GERMS!! Sincerely, Under The Weather

Teehee! I think this picture represents my germophobic views perfectly!

Today, my biology teacher went on ANOTHER rant forcing her views on us. This time about how bacteria does not equal germs and how hand sanitizer will cause bacteria will infect us and take over the world. Also in history, we learned about Anthrax Terrorist attacks (where seemingly normal postal mail was contaminated with an anthrax virus consequently spreading fear). Coincidentally, today is also the first day that I got sick. 

So I guess that makes the theme of my day Germs. 

NERDS FTW: "Germs" cannot be a theme because themes cant be one word! A theme is a message conveyed directly or indirectly. A message cannot be expressed through one word. A better theme would be "Germs are controversially beneficial or harmful depending on how it is taught." That could also be a thesis. *GASP* a thesis and a theme in one sentence?? Even though a thesis is supported BY a theme? And yet its both?? Controversy, Controversy. NERD OUT

Now the point I'm trying to make is... I HATE COLDS!! I get that one is infected with a different virus every time so its impossible to find a cure but come on! Give us something! People always say "oh its just a cold..." But no. I disagree. We poor unfortunate souls who are infected SUFFER. Honestly, this morning I felt like death. *sniffle sniffle* 

24 April 2011


Is it a bad sign if you go to your boyfriends house, he logs on to Facebook, and you see that he has two chats saved. You know, when you talk to a person and dont X out of the chat so you can always see when they sign on and chat them. Well, the two chats are me, the girlfriend, and Madi (a girl he used to like and he didnt find out she liked him till after he started dating me). I mean, maybe they talked once and he just forgot to X out of their chat. or maybe he cant wait till she signs on so they can chat the night away together in a mutual love. *sigh* teenage stress.....

16 April 2011

Protesting or Going Unnoticed?

In the last 2 days, I have seen protests for 2 causes: The gays and the african children. Both of which chose to protest without speaking. Now I know those who participated probably wont share my views but...

Speaking wont get you heard. Obviously. So what? You dont talk for the entire day. People wont notice you if you dont talk. They probably will think you are upset or just not particularly social that day. Maybe you are already a quiet person and people just think you're being yourself. No one will ever know that you are actually protesting. How will you ever count how many people participated? In my opinion, its just antiproductive...

A Personal

I tend to generalize when I blog. I've talked about major issues from religion to child rights. But who is the voice behind these words? Words of wisdom from my English teacher: "People spend so much time focusing on the bad things about themselves. They don't take compliments. They should be proud of their achievements and if there is something good about themselves, they need to focus on that instead" Paraphrased. 

I started this blog because I don't think that many people understand what goes through teenagers heads. I'm a pretty reflexive person with big goals in life. Where to begin??

  • Purple
  • Billie Joe Armstrong <3
  • Jumping my boyssss (horses)
  • Strawberries
  • People who are easy to talk to
  • Degrassi
  • Texting
  • Otters
  • Flaming hot cheetoes
Things that Irk Me:
  • Bugs. But not spiders. 
  • Coupe cars
  • People who walk slow
  • Under achievers/ the lazy
  • Guys who are asses. Ive learned that most are. 
  • Big Time Rush
  • Tasks that involve going back and forth repetitively (i.e Emptying the dishwasher)
My Goals In Life and the Summer
  • Join a dance class
  • Show horses more often
  • Move to Canada and prove everyone wrong
  • Have a lot of people know my name
  • Become a journalist making more than $40,000 per year
  • Rekindle friendships
  • get higher than a 3.5 GPA
  • Learn to play the Ukulele
  • Finish learning a piano song
  • Improve things with my boyfriend.

Things to Take When You Run Away

  • Money
  • Walking Shoes
  • Social Security Card
  • Get Files From School
  • ID
  • Pictures are optional. It depends on the person I suppose
  • A Plan
  • Warm Clothes. My reasoning? You'll need it in the winter and carrying a jacket will slow you down so its better to suffer in the summer
  • The Bus Schedule
Just in case. Don't be stupid, but if one absolutely needs to run away, I think this list is reasonable. Why I capitalized all words in some bullets and kept it normal in the rest? I have no idea...

15 April 2011

Think About It!

Some people change their words without even realizing it. Sure, it may seem childish. I mean, its cute when children pronounce it "Melk" rather than "milk." In fact, in the French and English language, words have been altered because so many people pronounced the words wrong that the wrong pronunciation because accepted as correct. 

Do you say things incorrectly without realizing? Here are some things that I've noticed/people have brought to my intention:

  • "Pay-Per-View" It's hyphenated for a reason people! It isnt pronounced "Paper View"
  • This one is for Arizona natives. My choir teacher taught me this one. Arizona natives, say "strawberry." She pointed out that people from Arizona say "shtrawberry." Not heavily emphasized, but still said with an SH sound. It's similar with other words beginning with an ST. I'm guilty of this one XP
  • Of course, we all know of the whole "duct tape" vs "duck tape" thing. But I was painting once and the tape had a little picture of a duck on it. How cute! ^_^

08 April 2011

Parents, Never Say This To Your Child!

Theres yelling and arguing left and right.People say things they dont mean. We've all been there. But when you stop and actually look back, you realize what a bitch you were! People blame. Its what they do. It sparks so many problems globally because people need to blame SOMEONE. This is especially the case with students and parents.

Grades actually do matter for the students that give a fuck. Parents need to learn a phrase that they should never do hard under particular circumstances. "Well, your doing well, but u could do better." As kids, we strive to do well. We stay up late and miss meals sometimes to finish assignments. And if all of that effort results in a B, thats flipping fantastic. Above Average and good to go. As a parent, you should recognize the amount of work that your child does and base your pride on that, not statistics. This relates to the global problem because of this point:

If a child goes from an 85% to an 84%, no one cares. No one will ever bring up the drop in 1%. However, If you go from a 90% to an 89%, all hell breaks loose and students are instantly ridiculed for going from a B to a C. Its just 1%, same as the first example, right? Labels, labels....

24 March 2011

Shut Yo Mouth and Watch Yo Language!!

Think of all of the cuss words. Some people get sooooo offended by them! You hear phrases like "watch your language!" and teens will get punished if such words are said. But why are the cuss words so bad? A word is only as good as the meaning behind it, yes? Those of you who have read my previous posts know that I ponder words a lot. Cuss words included.

There are alternatives to cuss words, but they have the same meaning as the real words. If they have the same meaning, then why isnt it a cuss word as well? People know what word you alternate anyways! 

Another theory is: Why do people get offended with the words? For instance, people get offended by "Shit" but not "crap" or "ugh" Is it the sound of the first word that is offensive? Because the meaning of the words are all the same so one can't be more offensive than the other, yes?

On a personal note, it is a pet peeve of mine when people say "that stinks." I dont know why I'm so against the phrase but it drives me crazy. What? Are you too scared to say "sucks?" or otherwise? The situation is bad. "that stinks." Oh, I'm sorry, do you smell something? Cuz there is no bad oder in the air!!  

20 March 2011

Religion in a Supermarket

So I am a baptized Catholic. But I think my parents only baptized me that way so I could get a hefty discount at private school. But thats just my theory. But I don't really feel like I am Catholic. What makes the Pope so special? Anyone can read the Bible and study it. Who says he is allowed to speak for God? Its not my cup of tea. If your Catholic, you have to be anti abortion and anti this and that. Catholics looove the word community. Yes, a community of people who think the same. They have too many rules that they make up themselves. They are so restricting. Isnt the point to love everyone without judgement? Why are people so afraid to question religion? As long as you love God, yes?! So I guess Im Christian at heart but... I've been thinking

You never hear people say "Oh I'm Christian with a twist of Buddhist." You are only one religion. With Catholics, once your baptized, thats it. No siree, you cant switch religion. You are what you are and you cant be re baptized. Catholics, Christians, Hindus, etc. They all have their own beliefs. But maybe I believe half what Christians preach and half of what Muslims believe? Maybe I disagree with some things Catholics believe. Why do I have to change my views? Why can't religion be like a supermarket where you can chose what you like. "Don't change who you are because of someone else" Its a saying we've been taught since we were babies. But since when does religion not count in this saying? Who I am isnt afraid to not believe what the rest of the religion is saying. Why pick one when so much more is offered? Its not like its greedy. *Sigh* Maybe I question religion too much for one little teen...

Moon Riverrrrrrrr I Dont Know the Rest....

Did you all know that the moon is 15% brighter tonight??? and 30% bigger. Its fascinating really. It wont come again for 19 years or something so naturally, I checked it out. Its sooo cool! I saw my shadow. I don't know if you can normally see your shadow because of the moon. Or maybe it was the lights from my backyard? Its those little every day things where you don't notice them until theyre gone.

A news report: "There will be a Super Moon tonight! The moon, its always there. No one owns it. Just beautiful." Paraphrased, of course 8). But that got me thinking. The moon isnt free. People do own it. Theres talk about the Soviets (or Russians I guess theyre called nowadays... Excuse me, I've been doing IB American History homework all day...) testing nuclear business and hiding it behind the moon. Theres a space race. Soviets claimed the title of the 1st to go to space when they launched Sputnik. Americans won the race to the moon. Theres controversy that the tapes of Lance Armstrong and Buzz arent even real. People are always trying to claim the moon. Theres even talk of living there. The moon isnt untouched. They say the moon is the last thing that is unclaimed and that isnt even true. What do we have that isnt claimed or touched? Are there any material things? Or is everything touched, claimed, fought over, etc?

28 February 2011

Unmet Expectations?

I am such a movie nerd. So naturally, I watched the Oscars as many teenagers did. Honestly, I expected more. There are so many beautifully made films in this world, yet all of the awards were focused on maybe 5 films?!? We are talking about an entire years worth of films here! It makes me wonder if things like these are corrupt. Like, did these 5 films pay to receive special attention? Imagine being a director or a producer, and you give your life into this film, only to be beaten by some movie that has won 5 other awards already. Sure, some deserved it, but I think that many other movies throughout the year could have at LEAST been nominated!! After hours of listening to "I'd like to thank *insert people we dont know's name here* sob sob thanks!!!", I got rather uninterested in the whole deal. But hurray for Alice In Wonderland for winning/being nominated!!!! Its the movie that I love dearly. I think I've seen it over 20 times.

27 February 2011

A twist of Perspective

Here in Arizona, it NEVER rains. But tonight, the rain pours down at last. From my own observation: What tends to happen is that it will only ever rain at night and by morning, not a cloud in the sky. In the off chance that it rains during daylight hours, all Arizonians seem to be in such a great mood. Have you ever thought about that ONE thing that makes you happy and will never fail to bring a smile to your face even once? Well, everyone has that one thing and rain is mine. People think I'm crazy when I see rain and bolt outside in excitement (ah the poor non understanding non Arizonians...) . But everytime I feel that rain I cant help but flash a huge smile and laugh. I like to think that rain is a little reminder from God that everything will be okay. I know, I know. What is this? Theological concepts from a young blogger? I guess its just one of those things that teens ponder but never really   talk about out loud. In my theology class last year we had a guest priest.
QUESTION: Will my dog go to Heaven with me?
ANSWER: If you need your dog to be eternally happy, then yes.
I thought this was a beautiful, well thought out, non-cliche answer that made me think.
A rainy Heaven? We'll have to see!

25 February 2011

Do Your Kids Accuse You Of Ruining Their Social Lives? | Parenting | GalTime

Do Your Kids Accuse You Of Ruining Their Social Lives? | Parenting | GalTime

Check out this link! I feel so bad for my friends who are always in trouble for the stupidest things. Parents, we arent bad children and we arent your personal slaves so relax and dont be on our case all the time!! Today is one of those days where my mom turns her nose up and doesnt let me go out for no reason at all.

20 February 2011

Mission Impossible 2 Accomplished!

Not really... But I felt that an allusion would make the title spicier. That word looks so odd. spicy-er. Do you ever reflect on a particular word? Like, this morning, I pondered the word "fact." The C-T next to each other are hardly enunciated and its difficult to say in a single syllable. Why did someone chose that word to represent the truth? And whose to say that a fact is a fact? I ponder words often? Weird, ya, I know, Not the point.

I accomplished a life goal today. Ride in a Mercedes e320. Its my dream car. On my bucket list is to ride in one, and it was soooo glamorous!!! I am such a car fanatic. Well, all teens have a subject that they know too much about I guess XD. Since I'm going to college soon, I've been thinking of my future a LOT. And that includes my bucket list! The things are mental, so I cant remember them all, but heres a few:
*Get a foreign romance
*Get a summer romance
*Move to Toronto
 *Ride in my dream car
*Graduate university
*Be in Time Square when the ball drops on New Years

~CB vs ~CB?

 Was Aaron Carter the Justin Bieber of the 90s? I looooved Aaron when I was a little tot. So being a fan, I never noticed how feminine he was. People want Justin to vanish, but go on any anti-pop genre song on Youtube and in the last 10 comments, at least one comment will be on Justin Beiber! 

EXPERIMENT TIME! Ill go to my ipod. Not itunes, because i hate itunes and uninstalled it. First song to come up: Drops of Jupiter ~ Train. Justin Bieber comment? Certainly is! "I wanna know why Justin Bieber is brought up in anything. Seems like every video I watch there his name is when he dont have shit to do with anything."  This person was talking about the excessive amount of comments on him and frankly, I agree. He wont go away if you keep talking about him on every freaking Youtube video. I guess you either love him or you hate him. Controversy Controversy.

In other news.... I went on that date. Yes, It was a date. But I was so quiet!! Like, normally I'm very easily excited and chatty. But around him, I could only say 2 word sentences. Ugh. I bet he thinks I'm boring. Why cant I be myself? And why doesn't google chrome auto correct "cant" to "can't"?

14 February 2011

Its a Date! ...I Think? Maybe. Eek!

I got a date! Well.... okay its just a guy who wants to "catch up" at a movie. But you dont talk in movies ya goof! Unless he talks through movies. Oh I hope he doesnt. I wonder what itll be like! If it goes well, he might ask me out. If he asks me out, Ill ask him to the Sadie Hawkins dance. Maybe he'll kiss me goodnight? Oh gosh. Look at silly old me. I jump to conclusions. What if it goes badly and he thinks im a freak? Would I say yes if he asked me out? He's kissed my cheek before... Im so nervous! Oh the racing thoughts.... EEK

My oh my, I sound like some geek that no one loves who got her first date ever. This is not the case my dears. But that fuzzy feeling when you get your first kiss, it doesnt go away! If you get a new boyfriend, you dont go "oh ive been kissed a hundred times before, its no big deal." NO! you go eek!


Guurl, You so Fake!

Dear Teenagers: STOP QUOTING FACEBOOK!!!!!!!! I hear soooo many people trying to pass on a "like" as their own stories. example:
I like turtles because they're so chill. They don't hurt anyone. They're just like, "Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I'm gonna take my time getting there, I'm not in a rush. Because I'm a turtle."
Then on the bus the day after everyone went on a liking spree of this, a guy goes "wow, you've never held a millipede before? They're so chill. They just squirm around all slow and look around and be like Yo im a millipede"
another example because this rant is rantish enough for 2 examples:
"When I get pulled over, I tell the cops 'when you tazor someone, you should say pika CHUUU!!!'"
then you hear a person at school go "I was just pulled over and told a cop he should yell pikachu when he tazors someone."
REALLY?! You OBVIOUSLY would never say that and you probably dont even have a car. 

13 February 2011

It Was The Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times

This little nerd kid in my math class knows Hamlet really well. He's friends with Pierre so I guess he's not as nerdy as I thought. Funny how just one little thing can change your view on a person completely!

So lots of teens nowadays are suicidal. I wont go into speaking about myself.... But have you ever really thought about what you truly live for? Friends don't count. Most of the friends you have in high school wont even follow you through life, so why live for them? I think if people actually found their own little sanctioned thought, people's minds would be more at ease. We're in high school, our whole lives ahead of us! Unless you don't have goals of course! What do I live for, you may ask? I live for the feeling of sunshine on my face. Not "oh, the suns out, hurray" But for that time when you can really feel the warm sun on your face. Gosh, how cheesy. But I think all people need something to pull them out from under at one point or another. It makes you think, doesnt it?

Its All In Your Head, Darling.

Ah its 1:40 AM. Im tired, yet i dont feel compelled to get off of my laptop even though there is nothing left for me to do on it. This happens often. Does this happen to anyone else?

Now, Getting to the point! Have you ever thought that your mind is more powerful than you think? No, this is not one of those, "Don't feel down my dear... I know your self conscious and think your stupid. But your not! your mind is great!" kinds of things. This is all on scientific stuff. Hurray for nerds? They say (who is they anyways?) that your mind can do stuff. Lol idk how else to say it really. For instance, you have a cut. You didnt notice it before. So it didnt hurt. Now when you look and see that you have a cut, it starts hurting because you know its there. Because pain is all in your head. I was terrified of bugs biting me in my sleep because I saw a bug flying around the house. I woke up with like 15 bug bites on my inner calf, an unusual (the word unusual has an abnormal amount of u's. Just noticed) place for bites. No one else had them and there were no signs of bugs on my bed. My cousin says its all just in my head. Now, this could be true or I really could have been bitten. You never know, you know?? That got me thinking. And its really fascinating to me.

Read it or not, here it comes! There was an experiment where a person moves there finger. They say "now" as they move their finger. So obviously the nerves or whatever would come from your brain then tell your finger to move, yes? WRONG! The test showed that there was nerve (or whatever) activity from the subject's finger, THEN showing the brain activity AFTER it moved. AKA The finger moved before the mind would have told it to. Conspiracy? Fascinating!

A Day in the Life

So most of my posts title's have been songs. That wasnt my goal, but okay, it works.

So today I got to go to the barn to ride my darling horse Tyler. He's not mine but I lease him. It was sooo hot out. in February. When it should be snowing. Anyways. I was fine when I was going but when we went down to the walk, I felt terrible and out of breath and about to pass out. That happens to me a lot when I wake up then go ride. If I go after school then its all good. Ugh. Stupid lack of electrolytes. But the ride was good. I jumped a little even tho I wasnt supposed to. Shh, hehe.

I also went to a friends party. Pierre was there. Just my luck.... it got awkward when we played Never Have I Ever, and at other times. I just wish he'd go away. Oh the things that happen when our ex's are around.... I think my cough fetish is getting stronger. Its my pet peeve when people cough around me. Even if they turn away or cover their mouths, I have to look away ASAP and not breathe that air. Germaphobes unite!
P.S:  how journal-esque this post is! Is blog synonymous for diary? Well I guess this is an intro to future thoughts on me? Sure lets go with that. Sorry?

11 February 2011

Silly Little Girls...

Here's from a girl whose seen it all. Private school and Public School. Yikes. How incredibly different they can be. A little observation from yours truly.... You know what confuses me so much?? Private school girls were alwayssss dress coded for having their shirts untucked. Us girls follows a systematic routine: Sit through H period, look at the clock constantly, sit anxiously through announcements, hear the bell, stand up, untuck our shirts! It was a simple system. The rule was to tuck our shirts in, so the second we had the chance, we no longer followed that rule. Its simple teen logic here! How at public school, all of the girls (Ahhhh generalization!! Sue me. hush.) are fretting about if their shirt is tucked into their skirts properly! YES! they wear skirts and tuck shirts into them on purpose! I will never understand.... :?

Lets Get Down To Business

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSS5dEeMX64 Hehe the first few seconds gave me an unexpected chuckle. Explanation? The title. It made me think of those lyrics we all know and love. I didnt make the title cuz of the song. unintentional joke. Is that like a pun? hm. I dont know. Oh well. Disney is beast regardless.  ANYWAYS

Lets talk boys. Yuck. How cliché. We hate them, love them, cant live without them. Are those song lyrics? Well its some form of allusion that just doesnt come to mind. Ive been watching Degrassi since the new episode comes on today (SO EXCITED). Ya, i watch Degrassi. Thats the ONLY overly dramatized show i watch, i promise! Now Eli, he's such a dear. Clare is so helpless and lost, and all Eli does is be there for her. He doesnt go "What a psycho messed up chick. I dont need this." If only legit guys like that happened to come along. You lucky duck readers who have one, congrats.  Thsoe guys who do random acts of kindness like... Return your phone to your house at night instead of the next morning, or find you after school to return your glasses rather than giving them to your teacher, or just asking "how are you?" those guys are the truely darling ones, to me anyways. What do you guys love? For me its the small things and surprises. Predictable.

So I dated a guy for 11 months and 2 weeks. I gave him everything, he dumped me 2 weeks later. How incredibly cliché. Hm, reoccurring theme. Weird how that works out! I was devastated. Recent thoughts: I have no feelings for... lets call him Pierre. But anytime I see Pierre with another girl, I just wanna punch her and tell her to get away from My Guy. Again, no feelings. Its like im protective of him. Has that ever happened to anyone else?? Its WEIRD.

Whats In a Name?

So I was gonna have my first ever post say "Who needs intros? Intros imply that theres a complete thought. As a teenager, my thoughts dont follow a specific plot. Also as a teenager, I hate restriction and rules" Now.... I was gonna support that thought with the definition of an introduction. Which is "the act of beginning something new." And thats exactly what this post represents. So... Woopsies. Plus my original idea makes me sound like some punk. Have you ever said something that didnt come out right at all? So much for first impressions :p.

Well Hi. Im ~CB. Der. Thats not my name. But... aliases (aliai...? alias'...? Okay its aliases. Thank goodness for Google) are cool. Now then, welcome 8)