13 February 2011

Its All In Your Head, Darling.

Ah its 1:40 AM. Im tired, yet i dont feel compelled to get off of my laptop even though there is nothing left for me to do on it. This happens often. Does this happen to anyone else?

Now, Getting to the point! Have you ever thought that your mind is more powerful than you think? No, this is not one of those, "Don't feel down my dear... I know your self conscious and think your stupid. But your not! your mind is great!" kinds of things. This is all on scientific stuff. Hurray for nerds? They say (who is they anyways?) that your mind can do stuff. Lol idk how else to say it really. For instance, you have a cut. You didnt notice it before. So it didnt hurt. Now when you look and see that you have a cut, it starts hurting because you know its there. Because pain is all in your head. I was terrified of bugs biting me in my sleep because I saw a bug flying around the house. I woke up with like 15 bug bites on my inner calf, an unusual (the word unusual has an abnormal amount of u's. Just noticed) place for bites. No one else had them and there were no signs of bugs on my bed. My cousin says its all just in my head. Now, this could be true or I really could have been bitten. You never know, you know?? That got me thinking. And its really fascinating to me.

Read it or not, here it comes! There was an experiment where a person moves there finger. They say "now" as they move their finger. So obviously the nerves or whatever would come from your brain then tell your finger to move, yes? WRONG! The test showed that there was nerve (or whatever) activity from the subject's finger, THEN showing the brain activity AFTER it moved. AKA The finger moved before the mind would have told it to. Conspiracy? Fascinating!

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