11 February 2011

Lets Get Down To Business

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSS5dEeMX64 Hehe the first few seconds gave me an unexpected chuckle. Explanation? The title. It made me think of those lyrics we all know and love. I didnt make the title cuz of the song. unintentional joke. Is that like a pun? hm. I dont know. Oh well. Disney is beast regardless.  ANYWAYS

Lets talk boys. Yuck. How cliché. We hate them, love them, cant live without them. Are those song lyrics? Well its some form of allusion that just doesnt come to mind. Ive been watching Degrassi since the new episode comes on today (SO EXCITED). Ya, i watch Degrassi. Thats the ONLY overly dramatized show i watch, i promise! Now Eli, he's such a dear. Clare is so helpless and lost, and all Eli does is be there for her. He doesnt go "What a psycho messed up chick. I dont need this." If only legit guys like that happened to come along. You lucky duck readers who have one, congrats.  Thsoe guys who do random acts of kindness like... Return your phone to your house at night instead of the next morning, or find you after school to return your glasses rather than giving them to your teacher, or just asking "how are you?" those guys are the truely darling ones, to me anyways. What do you guys love? For me its the small things and surprises. Predictable.

So I dated a guy for 11 months and 2 weeks. I gave him everything, he dumped me 2 weeks later. How incredibly cliché. Hm, reoccurring theme. Weird how that works out! I was devastated. Recent thoughts: I have no feelings for... lets call him Pierre. But anytime I see Pierre with another girl, I just wanna punch her and tell her to get away from My Guy. Again, no feelings. Its like im protective of him. Has that ever happened to anyone else?? Its WEIRD.

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