28 February 2011

Unmet Expectations?

I am such a movie nerd. So naturally, I watched the Oscars as many teenagers did. Honestly, I expected more. There are so many beautifully made films in this world, yet all of the awards were focused on maybe 5 films?!? We are talking about an entire years worth of films here! It makes me wonder if things like these are corrupt. Like, did these 5 films pay to receive special attention? Imagine being a director or a producer, and you give your life into this film, only to be beaten by some movie that has won 5 other awards already. Sure, some deserved it, but I think that many other movies throughout the year could have at LEAST been nominated!! After hours of listening to "I'd like to thank *insert people we dont know's name here* sob sob thanks!!!", I got rather uninterested in the whole deal. But hurray for Alice In Wonderland for winning/being nominated!!!! Its the movie that I love dearly. I think I've seen it over 20 times.

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