20 March 2011

Moon Riverrrrrrrr I Dont Know the Rest....

Did you all know that the moon is 15% brighter tonight??? and 30% bigger. Its fascinating really. It wont come again for 19 years or something so naturally, I checked it out. Its sooo cool! I saw my shadow. I don't know if you can normally see your shadow because of the moon. Or maybe it was the lights from my backyard? Its those little every day things where you don't notice them until theyre gone.

A news report: "There will be a Super Moon tonight! The moon, its always there. No one owns it. Just beautiful." Paraphrased, of course 8). But that got me thinking. The moon isnt free. People do own it. Theres talk about the Soviets (or Russians I guess theyre called nowadays... Excuse me, I've been doing IB American History homework all day...) testing nuclear business and hiding it behind the moon. Theres a space race. Soviets claimed the title of the 1st to go to space when they launched Sputnik. Americans won the race to the moon. Theres controversy that the tapes of Lance Armstrong and Buzz arent even real. People are always trying to claim the moon. Theres even talk of living there. The moon isnt untouched. They say the moon is the last thing that is unclaimed and that isnt even true. What do we have that isnt claimed or touched? Are there any material things? Or is everything touched, claimed, fought over, etc?

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