20 March 2011

Religion in a Supermarket

So I am a baptized Catholic. But I think my parents only baptized me that way so I could get a hefty discount at private school. But thats just my theory. But I don't really feel like I am Catholic. What makes the Pope so special? Anyone can read the Bible and study it. Who says he is allowed to speak for God? Its not my cup of tea. If your Catholic, you have to be anti abortion and anti this and that. Catholics looove the word community. Yes, a community of people who think the same. They have too many rules that they make up themselves. They are so restricting. Isnt the point to love everyone without judgement? Why are people so afraid to question religion? As long as you love God, yes?! So I guess Im Christian at heart but... I've been thinking

You never hear people say "Oh I'm Christian with a twist of Buddhist." You are only one religion. With Catholics, once your baptized, thats it. No siree, you cant switch religion. You are what you are and you cant be re baptized. Catholics, Christians, Hindus, etc. They all have their own beliefs. But maybe I believe half what Christians preach and half of what Muslims believe? Maybe I disagree with some things Catholics believe. Why do I have to change my views? Why can't religion be like a supermarket where you can chose what you like. "Don't change who you are because of someone else" Its a saying we've been taught since we were babies. But since when does religion not count in this saying? Who I am isnt afraid to not believe what the rest of the religion is saying. Why pick one when so much more is offered? Its not like its greedy. *Sigh* Maybe I question religion too much for one little teen...

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