29 May 2011

Children Are Not Disposable

This post is for the kids whose parents don't treat them like they should.

Inspiration: I get home from the movies with some guys. I'm in a good mood. I go  "Hi Mom! What are you watching?!" She says, "What does it look like? A movie. Go away."

Um RUDE??! So if you are the child in situation, I feel your pain. I don't get why children are interacted with only when needed and otherwise disregarded.

If you're the parent in this situation or any parent reading this, I advise you to go out and tell your kid that you care. Or just hug your kid and ask how theyre day was and offer to watch TV together. Because sometimes kids don't want to be furniture. Its degrading. Sometimes people really need to think about how they're acting to a child. For instance, when i was about 8 I went on a cruise and this guy told me he was vegetarian. So he gets all up in my face and talks in this baby voice and VERY SLOWLY goes "Im a veg-i-tar-ian. That means i dont eat meat because it makes my heart all sick!" In my head I just thought "what the heck man, go away." Or the worst: snotty old people who think its necessary to be nasty to teens. Message of the day: Think about how you interact with those younger than you. Because most might be brighter than you are anyways.

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