04 May 2011

What Have We Come To?

Google Search: Ignorant American


Lets talk Osama bin Laden. That seems to be a hot topic these days. I honestly dont get how "Osama bin Laden is dead." can turn into a 2-day-straight news story. Poor reporters... Their bosses making them discuss pointless things because there probably isnt any other news. It makes them look bad when they say... and i quote... "Osama bin Laded died. I think this is a good thing." I mean, dur. But its not like they have anything more newsy to say. 

Isnt it sad how SO many people don't believe that he's really dead? Have we had just SO much government corruption that we can't belive our government when our president comes on national television? We don't believe our elected officials SO much that we demand pictures of a dead man? Think about it. What kind of person wants to see a man with a bullet wound in his face? It's sick. You wouldn't do that with anyone else! How can the government redeem themselves into gaining the trust of Americans back? This would make an excellent Socratic Seminar! We're doing those in English nowadays. 

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