10 May 2011

Betcha Cant Do This!

I used to be the shyest girl you will ever meet. I have no idea what happened but starting Sophomore year, that all changed. Think about how you want to be remembered when you die. Do you know? For me, I want to be remembered as someone that branched out and was nice to everyone and that was interested in people for at least a little while. So on the bus, everytime I sit with a new person, I make conversations with them even if I don't know them. This one particular time really touched me.

Last Tuesday, I sat with this guy named Devon. I had a class with him 2 years ago so I knew him but its not like I knew him. I see him on the bus all the time staring out the window, listening to his ipod, and not talking to ANYONE. So, I had to sit with him on the bus and I casually said "so don't you ride bikes with Derek?" Thinking I would get a simple little response, he tells me all about his adventures mountain biking, how his mom cant have gluten, his possible career choices, restaurants he's been to, his of bread and salsa, and stuff we have in common. No, he was not rambling, it was a normal, wonderful conversation. Now he's invited me to a party. I never would have thought that this guy would be so cool. Its amazing how quiet people can have a such a great conversation. 

CHALLENGE: I challenge you to go out and talk to a random stranger or someone that you dont normally talk to. Weather it be a "hi! how are you? Great, bye!" or something more in depth like a "so I hear you like ____, would I like it?" Think of how many friends you can meet. Think of how many days you can make.

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